Vitamins as Protection

Vitamins To Consider As Your Baseline:


Vitamin D

Vitamin C

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)


Omega 3’s

Prebiotic and High fiber foods



Lions Mane


  • Choose a supplement with B6, B12 and Folic acid

Vitamin D

(For more information on vitamin D please go to Resources section)

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue and enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. It is required for the functioning of several enzymes and is important for immune system function and antioxidant.

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

●    Energy-producing antioxidant

●    Helps body regenerate other antioxidants (e.g. vitamin C & E)

●    Increases production of Glutathione, the most important antioxidant inside cells

●    Free-radical scavenger

●    ALA in combination with fish oil demonstrated less cognitive decline on a global evaluation of cognitive function

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

(Must be supplemented can not obtained from diet)

●    Excellent free-radical scavenger and beta-amyloid buster

●    Decreases in brain with age -- impossible to obtain enough from food

Studies show:

Reduces oxidative stress and amyloid plaque area, while improving cognitive performance in Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Oral administration of CoQ10 can efficiently reduce plaque burden in mice

Note: Statin drugs such as Lipitor and Crestor deplete cells of CoQ10 -- side effect of statins is muscle pain (CoQ10 is important for muscle function)

Additional Supplements to Consider:


Antioxidant constituents = free-radical fighter,

●   An adaptogen widely used in Ayurvedic medicine that improves the body’s response to stress

●    May prevent and reverse memory loss and improve cognition in patients with Alzheimer’s disease

●    Can inhibit the formation of amyloid plaques

●    Boosts protein in the liver that helps clear away toxic beta-amyloid buildup in brain

Study at National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) shows:

Extracts of Ashwagandha root given to mice with Alzheimer’s disease improved cognition significantly after 20 days and reversed cognitive deficits after 30 days.

Lions Mane

(Mushroom that enhances brain health & reduces inflammation)

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC)

●    Increases brain cell energy

●    One of most significant anti-aging supplements available

●    Improves word finding and attention

Gingko Biloba

●    Improves cognitive function by promoting good blood circulation

in the brain and by protecting brain neurons from damage

●    Free-radical fighter 
Studies show:
Short term supplements improve memory and thinking in early AD patients
Improved memory in middle school children

●    Ancient herb is derived from Chinese club moss

●    Used in treating memory loss for thousands of years

●    Strengthens overall brain function and improves short-term memory by Increasing amounts of chemical acetylcholine (used by nerves to communicate in brain and body)
 Studies show:
Short term supplements improve memory and thinking in early AD patients
Improved memory in middle school children
N-acetylcysteine (NAC)

●    Is converted into glutathione in body --one of most important naturally occurring antioxidants

●    Can help body combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals

●    Believed to protect against beta-amyloid toxicity

 Phosphatidylserine (PS)

●    All-time favorite brain longevity nutrient derived from soy

●    Important chemical for cell function and brain, researched since the 1990’s

●    Studies show: it improves cognitive performances on tests related to learning and memory tasks

●    Participants treated with PS had significant improvements in memory scores


●    Phytonutrient (plant source) from grapes

●    Active life-extending ingredient found in grapes     and red wine

●    Activates set of genes called Sirtuin:  “guardian genes” or “longevity genes,” which protect, defend, and repair cells and enhance our long-term survival

●    Buys cells extra time to repair themselves and slows down cell aging

Studies show:

Has a positive effect on hippocampus

Positive results seen in both rats and humans

Turmeric (Curcumin)

●    Curcumin = chemical compound found in turmeric

●    Potent anti-inflammatory agent

●    Has the ability to fight inflammation and oxidative damage

AND formation of amyloid plaques

Studies shows:

Lower incidence and prevalence of AD in India where turmeric / curry consumption is high (adults between aged 70 - 79 develop disease 4.4 times less frequently than counterparts in US)


●    Derived from the periwinkle plant

●    Increases brain circulation and energy

●    Provides high degree of

mental energy and clarity

Caution: Can be very stimulating

SupplementsTrudy Russo